Gary Douglas
Access Consciousness Founder
For over 35 years Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness has been teaching Access Bars technique around the world to people from all walks of life, and at all ages.
Everyone is welcome to try out Access Bars for themselves and see what they notice.
Worldwide practitioners:
28,000 people in 176 countries.
What is Access Bars?
Access Bars is a gentle treatment using light touch on the head that anyone can use.
There are 32 bars points on the head that a practitioner will lightly touch to allow the energy stored at those points to dissipate.
Most people experience a deep sense of relaxation, ability to focus, clarity and general sense of well-being after having the 32 Bars points on the head gently touched. Called "getting your bars run" or "a bars session."
When people have these points touched they begin to know they can receive.
Immense ease is created in all areas of life from receiving.
More Resources
The Science
Links to books
Links to the scientific research
Links to class at school and around the world.