Access Bars at School
Around the world students, parents and teachers are discovering the ease possible when adding the "Access Bars" relaxation technique to their student's learning experience.
We are already noticing a difference!
Students who receive a bars session either daily or weekly report:
More ease learning
Improved comprehension
Improved focus
Less stress
Getting along with other students
Relaxed and calm
Better testing results
Better sports performance
Improved relationships​
Students working with students. ​
As students experience this technique for themselves, they often would also like to learn how to perform it so they can exchange with other students, or use with their family at home..
Available at Bodhi Community
Learned in one 4 hour class.
Learn more HERE.
Learning remotely?
There are practitioners around the world, so there is likely one near you.
Please contact us, and we'll help arrange a connection for you
Contact us HERE.
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